Web3 Seminars for the Financial Community

EXPERT KEY is a knowledge partner of Finance Yard and supports the Finance Yard community by providing educational content in the field of blockchains.

EXPERT KEY is offering professional Web3 trainings to banks, savings banks and companies. These courses usually take place on site or remotely in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

EXPERT KEY - web3 trainings for banks

Web3 Seminars for the Financial Community

Web3 Trainings for Banks

EXPERT KEY is the door opener to the world of Web3 technologies in order to demonstrate the possibilities in these new markets with security, trust and transparency and to work out new business areas together. Web3 represents the evolution of the Internet to make it more decentralized, secure and transparent. It includes topics such as:

- Blockchain and decentralized solutions
- Metaverse and digital collectables (NFT)
- Smart contracts
- Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
- Decentralized financial protocols (DeFi)
- Regenerative finance (ReFi)

Web3 is already changing business models all over the world and has now become a reality. These new technologies will impact the growth of financial market, industry and economy in the near future. It is one of the most exciting technologies to emerge in years.

EXPERT KEY website
Web3 Trainings for Banks

Founding Partners

TechQuartier - TQ - Frankfurt startup center - fintech hub - Web3 hub Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Become a founding partner

January 2025: We are currently assembling renowned founding partners from finance and Web3 who will appear on all pages of this website and get additional benefits. Interested in joining as a founding partner? Send an email to: team@finance-loop.de

Finance Loop